Cycling Guests from Taiwan .....
We hosted two cycling guests from Taiwan, Chung and Enid. Chung cycled from Alaska, through Canada, down to Montana, Utah, Wyoming, Nevada (where Enid joined him). They both crossed the Tioga Overpass down to Yosemite Nation Park, where they stayed for three days. Then on to Mariposa, and finally to Ceres, where they stayed with us for one night. We had a good time sharing stories, and playing UNO. Chung had never played UNO, so this was a new experience for him. Enid won the first game of UNO. She had played UNO before. We enjoyed a meal of Rice with Vegetables, Bean and Rice Soup, Fried Rice, and Chicken, all compliments of our Gourmet Chef, Benjamin (my son). Hats off to you Benny. You did a great job of preparing our wonderful meal ... !!! Chung and Enid enjoyed playing with Sega (Ben's dog). Sega was so excited to greeet our guests.

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